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The flowers themselves are purple and have a slight fragrance. A rare and highly prized, the Pedali Tree or Purple Radermachera prodcues 2" wide light purple trumpets with contrasting yellow to orange beelines in the throat are produced throughout the growing season or yearround in warm tropical climates. Shrub or tree, (6-)20-40 m, up to 80 cm Ø; Leaves (l-)2 (-3)-pinnate, 12-35 (-80) cm, leaflets usually elliptic to oblong, rarely somewhat obovate or lanceolate, shorter or longer acuminate, 4-12 (-15) by 2-6 (-9) cm, at base underneath mostly with a gland-field, at apex with some scattered glands. Flowers not rarely fragrant. Radermachera is a genus of about 17 species of flowering plants in the family Bignoniaceae, native to southeastern Asia. They are evergreen trees reaching 5–40 m tall, with bipinnate or tripinnate leaves, and panicles of large bell-shaped, white, pink, pale purple or yellow flowers 5–7 cm diameter. Radermachera is a house plant of the eighties – it was introduced to Europe from Taiwan at the beginning of the decade, and its popularity as a specimen indoor tree has increased.

Radermachera gigantea

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It is native from India to Myanmar and also to Pedali Tree (Radermachera gigantea) is a rare flowering tree that bears fragrant pink flowers in summer. It is native from India to Myanmar and also to Indonesia  Most trees are of medium size, but species of Stereospermum, Fernandoa, Pajanelia, and also Radermachera gigantea may attain quite good dimensions. Radermachera tonkinensis Dop Dwarf varieties of Radermachera sinica are often referred to by the common name of Radermachera gigantea (Blume) Miq. Radermachera comprises about 17 species occurring in India, Indo-China, southern China, R. gigantea seems suitable for reforestation and erosion control. Radermachera is a genus of about 17 species of flowering plants in the family Bignoniaceae, native to southeastern Asia. They are evergreen trees reaching  Synonyms: Radermachera sp.

Australian native Search Radermachera gigantea on Web. Images of Radermachera gigantea. Index: 1) Radermachera pentandra Hemsl. [42 views / visite] 2) Radermachera pinnata (Blanco) Seem.

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peninsularis Radermachera glandulosa Macaranga denticulata Macaranga gigantea   rumsask. Radermachera rumscypress gigantea. Agrostis storven thyrsiflorus.

Radermachera gigantea

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Radermachera gigantea

Images. Radermachera gigantea, Radermachera elmeri Family: Bignoniaceae Radermachera Elmeri Origin: Thailand. Tropical tree small to medium size, with fragrant tubular flowers, similar to Radermachera Kunming, but bigger, with similar leaf structure; it is more fast growing and vigorous. Bedali (Radermachera gigantea) uga tanduran kayu sing ning Sunda diarani ki padali.

RADERMACHERA KUNMING Dwarf Tree Jasmine This shrub/small tree from South East Asia is very easy to grow and it is an excellent bloomer. The Radermachera is an upright grower that doesn't take a lot of space compared with plants of the same height. It can be kept trimmed to about 4'-6' in containers. Radermachera fragrans (Elmer) Steenis Radermachera gigantea var. aurantiaca Steenis Radermachera palawanensis Merr. Radermachera punctata Elmer ex Steenis Radermachera sibuyanensis Elmer Spathodea amoena (Wall.) A.DC.
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Though there may be local races they can not be properly distinguished, not even on subspecific level, as their 'characters' fade away; R. elliptica with 1-pinnate leaves goes via biternate leaves to 2-pinnate leaves. Radermachera gigantea #Bignoniaceae. Van Steenis, C.G.G.J.

It can also be grown as an indoor plant that is prized for its glossy green foliage but flowering is best where it receives direct sunlight.
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Yucca gigantea. Jättepalmlilja 'Maya tree' Rumsask. Radermachera sinica. Rumsask 'Mangrove'. Radermachera sinica.

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Radyera farragei. Radyera urens. Rafnia triflora Rhodocoma gigantea. Rhododendron "Azalea" mix.